Botox & Juvederm Dermal Fillers in Midtown, NYC
At Central Park Aesthetics, we offer the leading injectables, including Botox®, Juvederm® dermal fillers, and Kybella®, to revitalize, enhance, and improve facial aesthetics. With these safe and effective offerings, we can help patients turn back the hands of time, restore more youthful facial contours and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Treatment with Botox® provides a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
What is Botox?
Botox Midtown East
As part of the aging process, wrinkles and furrows can develop between the brows, and crow’s feet can appear around the eyes. These age-related imperfections can result in a tired and weary appearance.
Botox is a prescription medicine that can be injected into the affected areas to dramatically improve the look of fine lines and furrows. As derived from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, Botox gives the skin a smoother, more refreshed appearance. It works by inhibiting the small muscle contractions responsible for the wrinkles and furrows.
How is Treatment with Botox Provided?
Strategically placed Botox injections produce a noticeable reduction in the appearance of frown lines, lines on the bridge of the nose, horizontal lines on the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes, and bands on the neck. Furthermore, because Botox gets delivered to targeted areas via a series of small injections using micro-fine needles, the discomfort of this in-office procedure is minimal and involves zero downtime.
With Botox, clients typically see noticeable results in 4-10 days following treatment, and improvements that last up to four to six months. And, by coming in for periodic treatment, it’s possible to maintain the aesthetically pleasing effects over time.
What Else Can be Treated with Botox?
In addition to cosmetic applications, Botox can also be used for medical purposes. Botox provides a safe and effective method of care for relieving migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle spasms in the neck and eyes.
Get Started
*Botox & Dermal Fillers Treatment Starting at $16 per unit
How much Botox do I need to reduce my wrinkles?
It depends on your goals. Do you want to soften the lines or try to eliminate the lines altogether? In a initial consultation, we will discuss treatment goals and how many units you need.
How long does Botox treatment last?
This depends on your body’s metabolism. 3-6 months is the average time Botox lasts for but very strong muscles may metabolize it in only 2 months.
What if I don’t like the results?
We can do touch ups if we didn't achieve the desired results in the first session. Most patients love how smooth their skin looks and never want to reverse it. Very occasionally, complications arise such as a dropped eyebrow which corrects itself as the Botox wears off.
Is Botox a safe treatment?
Yes it is very safe as it’s locally injected.
It’s my first time having Botox - how can I avoid looking fake?
We can start conservatively and we can always add more. If we start conservatively and just soften the lines we will avoid the “fake” look and your face won’t look frozen. We can always add more a few days later if necessary. Or alternatively we can inject a larger dose at the next round. If done correctly, Botox just offers you a more youthful version of yourself.
Why is Botox better for treating wrinkles versus some of the other brands?
Botox is the most researched and science driven injectible for wrinkles and fine lines. It has the smallest diffusion area meaning that there are the fewer complications and less chance of the Botox drifting to somewhere we don’t want it to.
Can Botox be done in conjunction with the other anti-aging treatments?
Definitley. We will discuss the chief complaints you have for your skin and create a treatment plan at the initial consultation.
How long does it take to see results with Botox?
It takes typically around 2-3 days for the Botox to work and for you to see results.
Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS