Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment in Midtown, NYC
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Fotona LightWalker®
While at one time a tattoo may have seemed an excellent idea, you may later decide for one reason or another that you’d like to get a tattoo removed. Fortunately, today that decision is not as complicated as in the past. Thanks to advances in laser technology, removing a tattoo is a safe, effective, and comfortable procedure.
Advanced solutions and leading-edge care
At Central Park Laser Aesthetics, we offer the latest advances in care to address a broad range of skincare concerns. We utilize the multifunctional Fotona LightWalker®, a leading-edge laser platform.
The Fotona laser uses precisely targeted light energy to break up tattoo pigments. As the laser’s short, calibrated light pulses get selectively absorbed by the commonly used ink colors, they effectively break up the pigment to clear the tattoo. Your immune system then naturally removes the pigment residue from your body.
Precise, safe, gentle, and minimally invasive
Laser tattoo removal offers a gentle approach to care and a positive treatment experience. Plus, each visit only takes a few minutes. Then, as your body clears what remains of the pigment particles, you will see your unwanted tattoo increasingly fade.
Although one appointment produces satisfying results, multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve complete tattoo removal.
Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS
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*Tattoo Removal Treatment Starting at $498